How to implement Artificial intelligence (AI) in small business in the USA

Are you thinking about science fiction or movies machine character? You may be astonished at watching these characters and how can they act smarter ways than humans. So now tell me how could this possible? Is these genius character blessing or curse to us?

However, you probably heard the term Artificial intelligence. It powers these computer-based genius characters.  At present, AI is a part of reality. Besides, it’s already present in our daily lives. The large business organizations are taking benefits of AI and can do a better performance than competitors.

So, it is quite easy for large corporations to use AI but what’s about for small business?

Don’t worry. I’m going to briefly discuss – is AI right for small businesses or not?

At first we have to know what is Artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is called machine intelligence that act just like human brains.  AI helps decision making and problem-solving as human minds can do. AI is mostly associated with machine learning. Machine learning is known as a process of teaching a machine about how to react to some specific data.

How can you use AI in your small business?

A machine is not working exactly until you program it with appropriate information. After programming it appropriately it can act “if so or if not ” stated.

Suppose, you have a shop of selling umbrella and a website of it. So, a customer visits your websites and search for ladies’ umbrella. Then Al helps by showing some colorful and stylist umbrella like pink, baby pink, red, orange, and so on.

Interactive customer service of Artificial intelligence:

  • Ready provide help 27\4
  • Respond  customers
  • Chat bots talk with customers
  • Android systems can use AI voice to respond
  • Anticipate what a customer wants
  • If customers ask or search anything , AI shows many  related things
  • Ready to answer some common questions
  • Very accurate
  • It never provides information based on guess.

How does AI add value to the small business?

  1. Use data that you provide to understand customers
  2. Act more smartly with customers
  3. Alert about the threats and irregularities.

What are the best AI tools for small business?

There are two types’ tools that best suited for small business.

  • Cyber security software

Every day cyber security company discovers new threats to consumers and business. Your partners may expose you to digital threats. Besides, bank, credit reporting agencies and others trade partners may betray with customer data and you may fall in dangers.

AI with cyber security software may able to provide more security than others. It can help to prevent threats and may raise alerts earlier. Besides, it moderates irregular activities in finance and accounts and take cares of unusual and illegal activity.

  • CRM software

CRM stands for customer relationship management. It helps to understand your customers properly. When a customer visits your websites or orders anything, AI helps to understand how to deal with these customers.

Finally, what’s your opinion “Is Artificial intelligence right for the small business or not. Leave your valuable comment.

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