Interactive communication channels

Interactive communication channels are also known as traditional advertising. That’s why marketers use this traditional advertising. This advertising is the process to reach a large number of potential customers. However, the marketers also pay a large sum of money for it.

Primarily, marketers use mass media advertising. This is effective only at the fact of looking sales and post-purchase behavior. In contrast, electronic communications have two-way interactive exchange systems. In this way, consumers instantly interact with marketers messages by clicking on websites. Thus, marketers can promptly understand their marketing effectiveness instead of relying on delayed feedback.

At present, US TV cables have two boxes that enable two-way interactive communications between consumers and broadcasters. Many cable companies allow consumers to select only the commercials they like to watch by their remote controls. Another example of interactive communication is supermarket scanners.  However, the supermarket scanners keep track of households purchases. Besides, they also provide personalized coupons at the checkout counter.

Interactive communication is promotional messages. It is designed largely by the customers themselves. Let’s see what it is.

  • Audi posted three versions of its ad on And they request consumers to select which ending should air.
  • Ford motors brand started a Twitter campaign. They request consumers to share their memorable road trip stories.

Cross-screen marketing

It consists of tracking and targeting your target users across their computers, mobiles, and tablets. However, new technology enables marketers to find out the target customers. They are able to figure out when a mobile user is the same person as the desktop user.  The new technology enables marketers to push ads to mobile phones based on consumer interests.

Media platform is essential for advertising a study showed that about 84% of Smartphone owners and 86% of tablet owners use their phones while watching TV. So, digital marketers easily select these types of consumers for showing their ads on YouTube, twitter, facebook, and blogs etc.

The television campaign is another instance of interactive communication. This campaign mention about the superiority of the brand’ ingredients. This way, two associations boost the brand’s equity. One is an association with attributes and another is the association with social media. This is powerful. They spread positive word of mouth of the brand. Besides, they are diffusing a positive attitude about the brand among its target segment.

However, digital marketing is used for enhancing the brand’s equity in followings ways:

  • Creating strong brand associations
  • By Creating favorable attitudes
  • However, creating an overall perception of the brand
  • By using group behavior to identify like-minded groups
  • Using the power of self-concepts.
  • Capturing new segments

The reference groups have influenced the attitudes, values, and behavior of consumers. Perhaps, these groups are the most important source of aspiration and social interaction for an individual consumer. The popular forms of social media are facebook, twitter, YouTube, Instagram. These are the visual impact of reference groups along with their opinions.

Moreover, the reference groups are important for socially visible categories. There needs to be a conceptual approach to make use of social media for categories. However, there may not have a social presence or have a high degree of involvement among consumers.

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