What is the role of farmer, food marketing firm and consumer in the food production and marketing system ?

What do you think the food production and marketing system will be like in the year 2030? What is the role of the farmer, food marketing firm, and consumer? let’s see. The food marketing system is mostly shaped by and serves three key players.

  1. The Food producers
  2. Different types of Food marketing firms
  3. Food consumers

There are also some other players like government, media, food and other organizations, and allied industries such as transportation, communication, energy, and another sector. They also have an interest in the food industry. Sometimes, conflicts are arising among these food industry players.

The food marketing systems:

The food marketing system is based on the firms and organizations, product flow, distribution channels, management and marketing activities, pricing, and exchange relationship.  Besides, The food marketing system also shows that the food marketing system starting with the farmer and manage and operated by firms and organizations. In the past, we saw that farmer produces whatever they can. They sell this in the local market at a fixed price. They have little knowledge of the world market.

But in the near future, this production system will change. Let me explain.

Customers are the center of the market. Whatever they want, the producers are tried hard to give this. Because they are the final user of the product. And if you fulfill the customer’s demand they are always ready to pay price.
At present, there is a growing number of customers having different tastes and preferences, one person is different from others. Their needs, want and demand is not the same. Everyone wants different products.

For that reason, food marketing firms come into the field. In this field, food marketing firms collect information about customers’ tastes and preferences, what they want, what is their needs and demand, customers’ income, buying habits and expanding patterns, etc. Then they inform the farmer and suggested to produce those particular products for the customer.

For example:

From the very beginning of civilization, people washed their hair using soil. Day by day, people able success to, make soap. The soap is taken place of the soil for washing hair. Gradually, people become more modern and able to succeed to make shampoo for their hair.  And the final result is that now people are using conditioner for their hair.

So, as customer demand is changing, the marketing firm changes its product and bring various types of product.

In the year 2030, consumers will be more conscious of their health and fitness. Then they want some organic food that will be very helpful for their health. So the producer has to produce organic food for the customer. It is also possible that the farmer can directly interact with the customer for selling their goods. They are no longer depending on the middleman.  Besides, it may be possible for the food marketing firm to go for their own production system. As they collect information from the customers. According to their demand, firms can produce it.

Or the customer directly deals with the farmer and suggests producing some particular product from them. This all may be possible in the year 2030.

The role of farmers, food marketing firms, and consumers:

Consumers are always seeking the highest food value at the lowest possible price. Besides, farmers want the highest possible returns from the sale of their products. And finally, food marketing middlemen seek to earn the greatest profit. So these are the conflicting demand in the food marketing system. These are not always satisfying or easy tasks.

In the year 2030, the consumer becomes busier. They want some ready food, free home delivery, and more importantly healthy food. The producers can directly fulfill it and get more profit. The customer also gets a lower price by reducing middlemen.

The food marketing firm alone can go for the production and selling process. In this way, they can earn more profit.

The farmer also cut the middleman for the selling of their goods. They can directly deal with the customers. In this way, they get their fair price as there is no middleman.

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