IT means Information Technology management is a integral part of the organization. If we want to achieve something then it is essential for us to apply information technology. Besides, This will help us to achieve objectives of an organization and personal live as well. Therefore, IT management set a principles for the organization specially in USA . These principles have different functions such as –
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- Controlling
Hence, there are other various applications in order to exercise physical financial information resources and other human input helps to achieve organizational goals. It is necessary for organizing a company effectively and efficiently. Besides, IT management is essential in all human lives or organized life . However, It means that proper management helps to get desired and achievement as soon as possible. So, there are five major functions of IT management in USA based organization. These function are also appropriate for all small or big organization in the world .
5 Major Function of IT management:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Directing
- Controlling
Planning refers what’s we need to do in the near future. Besides, It is very time taking and future oriented. It helps in determining the direction of a business. However, It is a rational and systematic strategy to make the decisions that affects the coming business.
Planning involves the things that help in forecasting the coming time of the company. Besides, it helps in attempting to get tasks done of the business. Therefore, it is a continuous process in which organization can take accurate decisions for the future. Also, there is a systematic approach and all apply the possible knowledge for the future of the business . However, effective planning helps to get the desired output from external and internal factors. The external factors may be resources management and internal factors may be growth opportunities of the business
Organizing refers formal structure of business by authority. The authority gives the directions to make proper flow of work effectively. Besides, they helps in uniting the sub divisions to get the expected output. There are some activities under organizing to reach the company’s goal. Besides, it is necessary to assign the activities to personnel. These are concerned with –
- Assigning all the tasks to the employees
- Define the responsibilities and duties to the employees
- Making connection between the authority
- Coordinating the activities about the tasks
Staffing refers hiring workforce for the organization. It required for both managerial and non managerial level of hiring and managing suitable workforce. however, The staffing has some processes including recruiting, training, developing , compensating , evaluating and maintaining the personnel by providing proper incentives. Because, human personnel is an integral part of the organization. Hence, it is important to set right person for organization. This is very difficult because every single person is different from others in terms of intelligence, minds, skills, experience and other physical conditions. The sociological and psychological factors are important equally to organize the staff.
The directing functions including leadership, communication, motivation and supervision.. the employees needs to perform effectively to achieve aims. The directing functions provides instructions and guidelines to the sub-ordinates . Besides, helps in getting the information and sharing information’s from one level to another.
It means to control all the activities of the organizations. It don’t deviate from the pre arranged plans. Controlling set the highest standards of the company in the market. The functions invlived with –
- Establish a performance standards
- Helps in measuring the actual performance
- Determine the actual performance
- Helps in taking all the corrective measures to achieve the desired goals
IT management is all about managing and controlling the various activities of organizations.