Why are there so many different kinds of food marketing institutions?

There are various agencies and business structures that are ready to perform different kinds of marketing functions. These are known as institutional approaches. This approach often focuses on “who” which means who does the what. Marketing institutions are performed like a business organization which is helpful for the development of food marketing systems. This approach […]

Different channel design decisions in marketing

What is Channel Design Decision in Marketing?Channel design is a strategy for moving and distributing goods and services from the producer to the consumer. A channel is defined as “a series of interconnected firms or individuals through which a product or service moves from one person or firm to another.”  Besides, Channel design is often […]

Marketing as a value-added process – Four marketing utilities.

Production is the process of making useful goods and services. It is also considered the creation of the utility. However, Some utilities are forming utility, place utility, time utility, and possession utility. These utilities are created in the productive processes. Moreover, This is considered “marketing as a value-added process”. Form utility:Farm products and food products […]

Impact of Political climate for Global Marketers in USA

As an Organic product’s importer, we must take into account USA’s political climate, which includes nation states and sovereignty, political risks, taxes, and the seizure of assets, all of which could have an impact on our business.Lets have a look for “Impact of Political climate for Global Marketers in USA”- i. Nation states and sovereignty, USA […]

Digital advertising for organic product

In this article you will learn what is digital advertising and it’s importance. We will also learn Why our organic product brand should use to with digital advertising ? The organic industry is experiencing tremendous growth as a result of the rising popularity of organic and all-natural products. As a result, the need for organic products’ marketing and advertising to stand out is increasing as […]

10 Major Importance of AI in Marketing

AI tool can brings risk reduction, increased speed, greater customer satisfaction, increased  revenue and more in marketing . The benefits may be number of sales or user satisfaction. However, there are 10 major importance of AI in marketing. The overarching benefits that can be applied across AI such as – Increased campaign ROI Better Customer […]

5 Important uses of AI in Marketing for USA Based Company

A good plan can be more effective in getting success of any business. So before leveraging AI in marketing campaigns and operations for USA Based Company, it is important to begin with a proper plan. Besides, a good plan helps to reduce marketing cost and achieve more value from AI investment. Therefore, there are some […]

Definition of Business intelligence -Importance with Example

What is business intelligence ( BI  Definition )? Well, it’s quite important to understand the importance of business intelligence for all business graduates. Okay, I m going to describe what is business intelligence and why it is important for business people. Business intelligence is the process of technology for analyzing data and interpreting actionable information. […]

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