Personal selling is the most effective way to sell your products. Besides, It is a way to sell your product after meeting with customer face to face. The salesperson promotes the product through their appearance, attitude & product knowledge. They try to encourage the customer to buy their product. However, maximum salespeople try to maintain their present customers & build long-run relationships with the customer. Now, see the important steps in the selling process. Explore- high ticket marketing.
Steps in the selling process:
The personal selling process consists of seven different aspects. Let’s see-
- Prospecting & Qualifying
- Pre-approach
- Approach
- Presentation & demonstration
- Handling objections
- Closing
- Follow-up
Prospecting & Qualifying
Prospecting is the first step. This process identifies qualified potential customers. Choosing the right customers is very crucial. Besides, The salespeople normally don’t call potential customers. They only call those who are really like this product, appreciated & respond to the value proposition that the company promises to deliver. Thus, Those customers get the maximum services & benefits.
Furthermore, To get a few sales, salespeople work so hard. The company gives some instructions to follow but salespeople need their own skills to motivate customers. Therefore, you have to learn market automation strategies.
Hence, Qualify leads help to identify the good customers & screen out the poor customers. This step tries to find out customers’ financial condition, the volume of business, special needs, location & possibilities for growth.
Pre-approach defines that before calling on a prospect, the salesperson has to learn buyers buying behavior, their preferences, needs & wants, and buying styles. Besides, it comes often from research & preparation. The salesperson must research gathered to develop a customer strategy.
In this step, the salesperson meets & greets the buyer. The positive relationship starts from here. It involves the salesperson’s appearance, opening lines & follow-up remarks. Besides, The positive opening lines build good relationships with customers. These lines may be about the customer’s needs, showing a display, gives a sample to attract the customer’s attention. In all these steps, listening to customers is so crucial. Explore – Marketing concepts.
Presentation & demonstration
In this step, the salesperson tells the value story to the buyer. The reason behind this is to show how the company‘s offer solves the customer’s problems. Therefore, a Customer solution is the best approach in the present business situation. Today’s marketers are using the tagline,” stop selling, start helping”. Besides, Customers want a solution to their problem from the company if the company gives the best solution; the company’s sales will grow higher. Customers want a product. They want a salesperson that carefully listens to their concerns, understands their needs & responds with the right products & services. Explore more on – Digital Marketing White Paper
Handling objections
Customers almost have an objection about the product. After presenting the product in front of the customer, the salesperson asked to place an order. Besides, Hearing from the salesperson, then the customer says their objections. These objections may be logical or psychological or even unspoken. Handling objections mean the salespeople positively handle the objections, develop a good approach, and ask the buyer to clarify any objections. Further, The salespeople take the objections as an opportunity to provide more information about the product. Besides, you can provide home service marketing.
After handling the objections, the salesperson tries to close the sales. Some salesperson doesn’t handle it well. They may have a lack of confidence, feel guilty or fail to recognize the right moment to close the sale. Besides, The closing signal comes from the buyers, salesperson have to understand this including physical actions, comments, questions, credit terms, etc.
Thus, The salesperson may use any of these approaches to close the sales. The salesperson may offer some extra benefits like a lower price, extra quantity, or additional services. Gather more on – franchise marketing.
Follow-up is the last step of the personal selling process. Besides, It is necessary for ensuring customer satisfaction & repeat business. After closing, the salesperson completes details on delivery time, purchase terms & other matters. The salesperson makes a follow-up call after the receiving of the initial order, buyers can ask for proper installation systems, instructions & servicing occur. Moreover, These visits clear that the seller may be ready to the solution of any problem with the product. Finally, learn more – about different channel designs.